Thursday, May 29, 2008

vintage ruffle scarf

This is a little bit of an archive/catching up on projects I've done, but I first made this scarf for a fundraiser at work over a year ago and there were two people that wanted it so much that I made a second. I made it again last Fall for the same fundraiser and once again two people wanted it so much that I made it for both. My mom wanted one for Christmas (shown). And my grandma wanted one for her friend. I’m sure next Christmas they’ll be requested again. Somehow these are a little bit like the potholders: I tried the pattern and now I want to move on, but people like it so I’ll keep making it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

la prima

I have always liked to sew and crochet, although it's only been in the last two years that I've really gotten in to the wonderful world of crafting (which I define as an expensive, time consuming, never finished and yet satisfyingly fun project).