Wednesday, September 10, 2008

getting what I need

After spending a weekend in Seattle, two weekends at my parents’, two weeks in New York with my cousin, and Labor Day weekend in Sacramento with my friends, I relished my first weekend home in nearly a month. And I have to say it was exactly what I needed it to be - a couple of well rounded days with little bit of sewing, food, and futbol (both kinds).

Friday I went to the gym after work. I was tired from my run on Thursday, but still managed a solid 25 minutes on the treadmill which felt good. And I didn’t have to push through my weights – I did them all, which I tried not to regret the next couple of days but I needed the workout. I spent the night at home and cut fabric for the first of two quilts I am making. This one is for the one-year-old son of a friend from the collection of cotton prints I picked up in New York (I made a very lucrative tour through the garment district and a trip to Soho to go to Purl).

Saturday I spent the morning cleaning and unpacking (which I never really did through July or August). Then I packed up my fabric and sewing machine and headed over to a friend’s house for a craft day. We were both working on quilts and it was good motivation to be there and get some progress made. Saturday night I was tired from all the sewing and cleaning so I went through an hour’s worth of GRE-related vocab, watched a movie and was in bed by midnight.

Sunday I had to get up early for a 9am soccer game – first of the Fall season and we tied 1-1 (which is an improvement from our last couple of seasons). I decided to go straight to the Civic Center Farmers’ Market on my way home and was so glad I did. I got quite a load for my $25.00 and am very pleased with my food for this week. I try to plan out my meals and wasn’t sure what would be available since we’ve had a pretty serious heat wave the last two weeks, but I totally lucked out and am kind of excited about what I have. Lunch this week has been a salad from a head of lettuce, beets, early girl tomatoes, and bell pepper plus some garbanzo beans, carrots and mozzarella that I already had; and dinner is a stirfry of zucchini, green beans, bell pepper, broccoli, garlic and red onion with couscous (in pantry). I also bought 3 asian pears and 3 white peaches, which was the most expensive purchase at $7.00. I did have to go to the grocery store for tofu (for the stirfry) and yogurt, granola and bananas for my breakfast. However I managed to keep my groceries under $40 this week.

After all this excitement (and a shower) I spent the afternoon at a café a few blocks from my apartment working on my math skills. This wasn’t very thrilling, but it was slightly reminiscent of college and the Seattle café scene (San Francisco can’t seem to figure this out, but this place may be as close as I’ll get to it here). In three hours I had a latte, a tea, and a treat, and got through 20 pages of my GRE study book.

And the bonus – football season has started! Yes it started last week with the Giants playing a good game against the Redskins, but I have no problem with leaving my TV on most of the day on Sunday and flipping from game to game. So I caught the end of the Jets game (I’m glad they won for my family’s sake even though the Giants are the better team…) when I came back from the farmers’ market and watched the Chicago v. Indianapolis game Sunday night (even if the Colts made me a little sad that they couldn’t get past the Bears).

All in all I felt very accomplished.

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