Saturday, May 9, 2009

little log cabin

I'm still learning some basics, so after the triangles I decided to try a log cabin block. 

For the cousin of the previously mentioned trio, who is two years, I wanted her's to have a lot of bright colors and some good patterns in the blocks.  I found this log cabin tutorial on Crazy Mom Quilts and bought a bright green and some purple and pink prints that matched the second fat quarter bundle I had from Purl Soho.

This was a fun quilt to put together, although cutting all the little pieces was definitely more time consuming than I thought it would be.  I also decided that I didn't want to cut up the green mum print in to little squares, so I modified the blocks to have a larger center piece.  This also let me have some fun with the layout and to rotate the blocks to give it a little more interest. I used the mum print for the binding and did some piecing from scraps on the back.

A very fun and colorful quilt for a very fun and energetic little girl!

Finished size:  40" x 48"

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