Monday, April 8, 2013

spring ahead

I'm not entirely sure where the last year has gone, or the last three years really. They've been filled with big life events: a cross-country move, graduate school, marriage, our first baby, and a significant family loss.  It all just seems to run together when I try to think back. But now I'm catching up and since Spring is finally here in the District, I'm looking forward and thankful for everything I have in my life right now.

This little gem is 7 months already. 

Look at that face! Happy, happy baby. I'm trying to tell her to stop growing, but she's already not listening to me.

And I'm back to my sewing table more often. I started with a conservative list of projects for the year and a good plan, but it's already snowballed into nine dedicated quilts, a sew-along and possibly a quilting bee. But my goal is to make a dent in my stash and to actually use some fabrics I've been saving (hoarding) for too long.

We'll see how this plays out.

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